Today, both legal and illegal substances are plaguing the streets of America. For far too long, we have created a public misunderstanding of drug use that has led us to the point we are at now. Over time our government and educators have conditioned society to believe illegal drugs are our enemy, while legal drugs can be controlled honestly and whole-heartedly. This has unfortunately been driven by our media through advertising and editorializing. The result is that today, it seems like more people are suffering and dying from legal drugs than illegal drugs. So again, the question is “Where do we go from here?”
I grew up listening to drug-free seminars/programs like many children did in the United States. These gave me the perspective that recreational drug use was extremely dangerous to my health. Our educators were telling us that if you smoke a blunt soon you would be doing Heroin. As I grew up, I started recognizing obvious flaws in the system (much like everyone eventually does through experience in America). Some illegal drugs (i.e. Marijuana), have minimal evidence of damaging your health and, in fact, in many cases can be beneficial to your health. On the other hand, legal drugs like Hydrocodone, Oxycontin and even Codeine have become rampant killers. It seems to me, people are starting to understand the threat more and more, but why has it taken so long. It seems for years our leadership has been hypocritical when it came to talking to us about drugs. While many people might freak out if they uncovered the truth about our government and media, I viewed it similar to a parent being over-protective of its child. Obviously, what they were stating about illegal drugs was not the overall truth, but there must have been a reason to lie all these years, right? Maybe they didn’t believe the public was capable or mature enough to handle and manage the drugs. So instead of entrusting the public with responsibility, they decided to punish the public through ignorance. Instead of legalizing illegal drugs, the government continues to imprison minor drug users. The government also believed the only ones responsible enough to give out opiates would be the medical specialists of the nation. Entrusting legal (and illegal, e.g., medial marijuana) drug regulations wholly to medical physicians is the best decision to make, isn’t it? Well that certainly doesn’t seem to be the case. Through basic observations, (it is obvious) even the medical specialists cannot be fully trusted. It seems everyone I know has a medical marijuana card. And, much more critically, I have seen friends of mine get addicted to prescribed opiate medications. Although the medications were damaging their mental and physical health, the doctors were continuing to feed the addiction. All I could ever do was watch as my friends deteriorated from the beautiful people they once were. Instead, they morphed into an opiate addicted zombie state. As the addiction kicks in, life for the user feels dark with no hope in sight. This inevitable feeling cues a natural question for the addict to ask his/her self. “Is my life worth it?”. Reality will not get better until you remove yourself from the drug reality. Regardless if you are overusing illegal or legal drugs, you must return to a sober state of mind. To remove yourself from the drug reality, one must feel their life is worth living. If not (or if they refuse to make a choice), the drug will naturally pull the trigger the addict can’t pull for themselves. Drugs, in a way, are much like humans. Both can help and both can hurt. But most of all, they both can be understood through further research, experience, and moderation of usage. Moderation being instilled in an honest and open government is a whole hell of a lot better than what our country is dealing with now. If you are an abusive drug user, remember there is a better life out there for you. So, come back and join us in reality. We miss you my brother and sister. The older generations need our help more now than ever to improve our world! How can you help our generation save this reality while you’re being stuck in another?
Wouldn't it be great if our leaders were always truthful and honest with us? Some would argue that President Trump is trying to be more open and honest via his Tweets. However, most would argue he is doing a pretty shitty job of it. We need our leaders to be honest (truly honest) and respectable (truly respectable). And I cannot say that we have had one of those in my lifetime.
We need a leader who can provide reason and deliver the tough news to the country no matter what. Instead of only giving a shit about voting polls, our leader must be fully involved in catering to the needs of these United States. We need someone who always justifies the country’s lawful decisions publicly (despite emotional topics) through an honest and respectful review of the pros and cons. A tough decision that isn’t addressed publicly by our “Head of State” gives off a very cowardly vibe to some Americans. If you can’t look the country in the eyes and tell them why a decision was made, then I would consider you to be a coward as well. Wouldn’t you? There is no reason a person shouldn’t be able to explain to the nation why a decision was or was not made. Unless, of course, the decision or law created is sketch and based on the wrong set of reasons (e.g. political positioning). Overall, when compromises can’t be made, I expect my leader to tell me the real reasons why with words coming from his/her heart. Belittling the opposition is not the appropriate action an honorable Commander and Chief should be making. Instead of denigrating people with opposing views, a leader should be the ultimate symbol of empathy for all. Especially the misfortunate. When a person puts the effort in to understand why someone really has an opposing view, oftentimes, empathy comes naturally. Try and see for yourself. People would be open to see where you are coming from if you demonstrate the full understanding of where they are coming from. Simple as that. We must learn to understand each other’s perspectives. The media can be ruthless, but it can be beneficial. What if our president had an open and honest webisode every night? Just imagine, a show without the editing and editorializing done by most of the major broadcasting companies. In each webisode, he/she could be comfortable enough to reason with the people and tell the country what’s on his/her mind every night. Really be able to lay out why he or she is doing what they are doing. This could possibly help bring the country together so they can at least understand why our leader is doing what he is doing, whether we agree or not. The people would understand that our President is not just some crazy lunatic with an extreme political view. The president would be able to talk about honest daily thoughts going through his/her mind. Giving people the power to listen to their Commander and Chief daily could help to bring the public to at least an area of understanding of why leaders do what they are doing. People disagree with me all the time, but no one leaves not knowing why I think the way I do. Who can say you are a racist, bigot, or fascist, if you go online every night opening yourself up to the country in an honest and respectful way? Talking to the viewers every night as if you were talking to someone close to you could change politics as we know it. The media could try, but maybe it would not catch fire in the ways it does now. People may rule out the comments from the media because they better understand our leadership and where they are coming from. This all seems very similar to any romantic relationship. We don’t question our partner’s trust if they constantly communicate honestly, do we? With familiarity comes comfort, and with comfort comes understanding. The day we find a leader who can build an honest relationship with the nation, is the day we become the UNITED States again.
Freedom of speech and the freedom to assemble and protest peaceably are two of our key freedoms as Americans. Not only can we speak freely about how we feel, but we can also effect change through these freedoms. However, for far too long the media has recorded protests that show disturbing footage of what appears to be Martial Law against these freedoms. The police are fighting the protestors. The protestors are fighting the police, and counter-protestors are also in the mix. In the minds of the government and police officials, they oftentimes see the protestors as criminals that are disturbing the peace and preventing progress. Which, when looking from their perspective, seems to make sense.
However, what if the protestors are unarmed and still being confronted with violent repercussions? Having said that, are all peaceful protests truly peaceful just because the protesters are unarmed? If an unarmed “peaceful” protester doesn’t respect law and order, then how can a government enforce without violence? On the other hand, should 2 million people bite the bullet for a government decision that benefits 200 million? To some that doesn’t seem fair. To some Americans, it proves the government believes the opinions of some people can be valued more than others. Makes sense to me, although I don’t totally agree. If you side with the government, then you probably call it justice. If you happen to side with the protestors, then you see those actions by the government as unjustifiable violence. Chances are sometimes you side with the police and sometimes you side with the protestors. Just depends on your perspective and beliefs. Do you believe the government should always have the right to disregard a minority's public opinion for a majority approved or agreed agenda based off opinions? Most would say yes until they fall victim to being part of the minority opinion. I’m not sure if anyone still remembers from their history books the “No Taxation Without Representation” protests of the Revolutionary War. Protesting also happened to be critical for the civil rights movement. Some may say the majority in the South during the 60's may not have sided with the protestors arguing for their civil rights. So, certainly the majority would have been wrong, or at least I think so. Do you believe a group that wants to assemble and protest for something you think is morally wrong (e.g. white supremacists) should be allowed to do so? Or should they be stopped because of the hateful content in their protest? Do you see the challenge this country is faced with? If you don’t have protestors, then you may not have the change you need. However, if you have too many protestors and dissidents or hateful protestors, then you can have anarchy. If you have hate mongering protestors do you take their right away by stopping them? So many questions, but the real question is “Where do we go from here?” Certainly, we must maintain our freedom of speech and right to assemble. No matter what, every American has the right to stand for whatever personal beliefs they might have. Whether they be hateful protests or not, everyone has the right to protest peacefully. I might not agree with the hateful protests, but I am smart enough to understand most people didn’t grow up in the same culturally friendly environment as I did. Although I might think the hateful perspectives are wrong, it doesn’t take away the fact that people who are sheltered from other cultures find it easy to draw hateful lines. Protesting has helped develop the social foundation we have today. While it may not be where we want it to be, it is absolutely better than it was. Many might even say that without protesting, our country would have never changed. If that is the case, then how can the government determine when to interfere and stop protests as opposed to letting them continue? Possibly resulting in a movement to effect positive change. Instilling a global way for people to sacrifice personal opinions and beliefs for the greater good, will be critical for this country to move forward. If everyone continues to look merely through their own perspective, our country will continue to draw hateful lines. Well I don’t intend on reliving history, do you?
Oil companies are bloated economical kingpins who seem to have a lot of control over the media and political lobbying. If you disagree with that statement, you should open your eyes wider to see the seemingly obvious. If you are someone who believes in global warming or not, does it really matter if we leave oil? Seriously, if they pushed us away from using oil with new products that were capable of delivering the same performance at a similar cost, would the majority of the United States even care? I don’t think so. Personally, I could care less if we stayed with oil or decided to leave. For the people out there who are convinced it isn’t the smartest fuel choice, then go ahead and change it. The majority of us are just following the leader.
Obviously, the oil companies are going to be haters for us not using their products. But fuck them. It’s not like the rest of us care if oil companies die out. Companies die out all the time for having outdated resources and/or technology. What makes this situation any different? Power, of course. If oil is bad for the environment, I don’t want the world to think the majority of Americans have a fossil fuel addiction. For example, if they replaced everyone’s car with something that uses renewable fuel, I promise, this country, as a whole, would not care. However, we would have to come up with renewable fueled cars that can perform like today’s gas fueled cars, and for me personally, sound more masculine in the name and in the engine. I mean come-on now, I swear on my life, no one will ever see me driving a “Nissan Leaf.” Driving a car like that immediately takes whatever manhood I had, and lights it on fire. This country could make a water-powered automobile (Which some believe was invented by Stanley Meyer in 1997), and name it “The Chevy Patriot”. I promise with those slight changes, us moderate masculine Americans wouldn’t give two shits if we left oil. All I am saying is very few Americans are emotionally invested in oil. We, as a country, are emotionally invested in freedom and being in control of our own lives. I don’t care if you made a car that ran on chocolate syrup. If the vehicle had a cool look, name, and sound, I will be sold and so will the rest of the United States. Simple as that people! However, prices obviously matter when it comes to competition with their gas guzzling counterparts. Luckily the cost is slowly starting to change. And the more we buy, the more the costs will come down. For those of you who are oil fanatics, grow the fuck up. There are obviously plenty of people out there who believe oil is bad for our global health. You and I both know it would be better environmentally in the long run if we made the switch away from oil. Of course, I know that the use of oil is a tangled web pulling threads from the financial sector, the utility sector, the political sector, etc. which will be difficult to untangle. But, if there is even a possibility that renewable fuels are better for the environment, then individually, we can start to make the switch people. You and I can make a difference one vehicle at a time. Please America! Something must be done so we can stop Al Gore from making these films that scare the shit out of me.
In this day and age, freedom is the single most important value this country provides its people. However, people in this country seem to be willing to hand over their freedom to drive as more and more cars are coming closer and closer to self driving. Don’t you like being in control of a vehicle anymore? Having that power in your fingertips and toes to control your life and destination. Having that quick rush of adrenaline the minute your foot kicks the accelerator to a higher gear. That feeling is sheer bliss for the millions of car fanatics out there. If the self-driving trends continue, those people will probably be forced to “drive freely” on a NASCAR Track. Can you believe the nerve of those Self-Driving futuristic bastards? Taking this sheer bliss and power away from the American people! The funniest part is that I am not a huge car fanatic. Frankly, I would love if my car could drive on it’s own. But, I’m afraid we are moving closer and closer to a world where that freedom will be taken away. And I don’t like my freedoms to be taken away. If self-driving cars became law, who would be the ones most affected by it? Those car loving, freedom loving people out there, that’s who.
A group of my friends consider themselves to be car fanatics. They hold a different kind of passion for automobiles than the average person like you and I. Some would consider it love, but it’s definitely an emotional bond to the freedom and control a car provides. Don’t you believe it would be criminal to take something like that away from people like my buddies? In my opinion, I believe it’s no one’s right to take another’s passion or love away from him or her. Big Brother had implemented many laws over the years to take our freedom away in the name of safety from ourselves. But there is a point where this has to stop. Have you noticed the significant changes in the most recent “Fast and the Furious” movies? Remember how the old ones were all about illegal street racing. This was powerful because illegal street racing could be done by anyone (illegally, of course). No matter who you are, with a vehicle, anyone could bring out a little rebel self. The first “Fast and the Furious” was famous because it showed the freedom Americans had. We take for granted the control we have in driving. We all could start an underground street-racing league if we wanted. Sure it is entirely impractical and illegal, but the truth is we all could if we wanted to. The film “Fast and the Furious” took a beautiful passion and brought it to life for millions of Americans. Now with the newer films, they have taken the realism and relations with the American people out. What made the franchise so successful in the first place was showing the American people the power they had and probably didn’t realize. Such a shame they had to turn the movie franchise into unrealistic action films. And to add more fury to the fire, what if self-driving vehicles could be hacked? So all of us are going to hand over our rights to drive with thousands of haters in this world? What if we had enemies or people who didn’t like us and they wanted to take us out of commission? You mean to tell me they could hack my car and run me off a bridge from the comfort of their own home? Are you shitting me? All this time protecting people, who love driving, I completely forgot the true risk involved. If we won’t be driving, do we trust our lives to something or someone who doesn’t have an equal mortal risk or care? I highly doubt Siri is going to have a funeral and mourn over me when I pass. Quite honestly, Artificial Intelligence could cost me my life either deliberately through the hands of another or via a malfunction. That’s fucking terrifying! As a country, America is not ready to hand over driving rights. The reason has nothing to do with oil, electricity, and/or renewable fuels. The reason is because we value our freedoms and lives more than any Artificial Intelligence could. Truth is I love being alive! So, I am not letting anything or anyone that I don’t trust, be in control of my life. Would you? It’s only a matter of time before our government finds out millions of car loving Americans would rather be in control of their lives, than be permanent passengers.
This blog is targeted at those over protective under-disciplined parents out there. Let’s start by stating, you people are doing more harm than good for your children. Believe me, some of us have met your children and they have the social skills of an ape and the drive of a snail. Befriending your kids has been so difficult that I felt obligated to write a post about it.
The kids, who were rarely disciplined, will eventually get humbled before they enter adulthood. Without the discipline they should have received from their parents, the “humbler” ends up being “Life” for the child. If you don’t know by now, “Life” tends to be a lot less forgiving on your child then you are. Although it might be difficult to punish your children, it is critical for your child to recognize their shortcomings and learn to make the right decisions. Too many millennials have an entitlement that stems from never being “put in their place.” Parents who place structure and discipline on their kids tend to not be best friends with their children. But that is okay. I grew up disliking my mother to the point of what I thought was hate. Everything I did was to prove to her I was worth a shit. Although my mother was very supportive, she always was the one that had to “put me in my place” or humble me. As I got older, I learned to value those times my mom was the bad guy the most. She knew I hated and feared her everyday. Despite my “hatred,” she was teaching me valuables lesson that I needed to learn. The first and most important lesson was that I am not the only person with the only right perspective on this planet. When I was fucking up, my mother woke me up. Not because she was being the bad guy. My mother knew the gifts I had and would never let them go to waste. Through structure and discipline, I learned to find greater goals than my childhood self could have ever imagined. Through the lessons I learned from my parents, I developed a sense of humility that gave me the power to establish incredible friendships. For the first time, as an only child, the absence of siblings disappeared. Naturally, I began treating all my friends as brothers and sisters. It became a habit. I just wanted everyone to look out for me as I looked out for them. Beliefs didn’t matter if we looked out for each other, because we simply cared. When others struggled making friends due to a lack of humility, I was gifted in it and helped them to understand their challenges. My mother gave me that beautiful gift through being my perspective bad guy throughout my childhood. My childhood perspective of discipline was so single-minded now looking back at it. However, now I understand truth behind being punished or “grounded”. This was the proof there were other, better options out there to the sometimes-careless decisions I made growing up. Maybe I didn’t think I was in the wrong or making the wrong decisions, but someone else (My Mother) could have a completely different perspective. Simple, and yet those lessons kept gifting me loyal friendships and a drive to succeed based on a common perspective of humility. Lord knows my parents could have chosen to always be the good guys. However, if they had. Jason Franklin would have never been the self-proclaimed legend he was born to be. Yeah, here in America we can give ourselves self-proclaimed titles. So, thank God for the structure parents place on their children. May those children promote humility and understanding to the rest of the world. The future parents out there must remember to provide structure and discipline. This WILL inevitably help your child in life. I hope America refrains from populating this world with children who deserve ass beatings.
Have you ever pondered how you should live your life? That is, should you live fast (lead) or should you die slow (follow)? From my perspective, it is better to live fast. In order to live fast, you must be a visionary freeing yourself from the oppression of others. Lives for visionaries move differently than those who choose to follow the visions of others. For visionaries, life tends to be an adventure each day, uncovering new ways to change the world. Although there are risks with trying to change the world, most visionaries stay faithful to their vision. Whether their visions end up working or not, the fact that someone can stay faithful to a belief or vision they have is a remarkable feature. For the people who choose to die slow through following others, it is time someone tells you the real risks you may experience and the joy you may lose.
Not all visionaries and leaders are good people. Some can have terrible visions that don’t make the world a better place. In fact, they make it much worse. If a person has a vision to cause harm to the world, you would think it would be easy to recognize, right? Unfortunately, not always. History has shown that to be true. Following people may put you at risk for contributing unknowingly to evil. I say unknowingly because, although it might not be your fault, you are giving up your personal freedom when you choose to follow someone else. Following another’s vision keeps you from the root source of the truth within the vision. If the vision isn’t yours, make sure you know the truth before following whole-heartedly. If you don’t, you are taking a big risk. If you choose to die slow as a follower, make sure it is with a leader whom you know for a fact is admirable. Too many leaders today forget the key qualities it takes to lead. If you end up being a follower of a corporation or another’s vision, make sure it is a vision you are willing to dedicate your life to. Make sure your leader is a person who holds his/her peers to an equal level of respect. He or she must be able to take full responsibility for the people who are following them. (Yes, this means they need to be able to sacrifice for the greater good of their following). If your leader shares these qualities then you are very lucky and I pray that you keep up the good work. If not, time to reconsider what you want your life story to be about. Please don’t make it just about making money. I encourage everyone to be a visionary, but the truth is that not everyone will be. That is what makes the world work. In order for someone to be a successful visionary, they must have a strong following. In order to have a strong following, the visionary must have all the qualities it takes to lead. Above all, the followers must believe in the vision to support it and give it meaningful power. A vision with no following is entirely fiction. A following with no vision is chaos. Chaos hasn’t, and will never reign as long as there are good-hearted leaders on this planet.
Whether you’re rich or poor, everyone will eventually have to experience a loss. Life tends to humble humanity naturally through death. It doesn’t matter if you were the best person in the world or the worst person; most everyone knows or will know what it feels like to lose someone. Losing is always hard; especially if that loss is a person you cared deeply for. The reason why I am writing this is because I lost a person I cared deeply for this week. But I understand why I am so sad. It is because of how much this person played a part in my life and how much they had to do with who I have become. This person taught me critical things, things I have engrained in myself that make me who I am today. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is.
There are several reasons why I consider myself a good person and many of those are from the lessons I learned from the family member I lost. I realized something in that moment of sorrow following her death. That is, good people are still here today because of the good people who raised them. Loved ones have kept good teachings alive to pass on. Forget about religion! The fact that people pass down lessons to their families to be good is what makes this world an incredible place to live. The person I lost was a great person who taught me how to be great because she wanted me to be great. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is. I lost a person who always saw the best in me. Lord knows I have just as many flaws as anybody, and yet she saw none of my flaws as flaws. This woman, no matter what, would look at me as a perfect being. How can you not strive to be perfect when there is someone on this earth who believes you are? To this day, I am still trying to reach the best I can be because I would never want to disappoint her. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is. The worst part about losing someone is that it also comes with critical lessons to be learned. Among all, we must learn to adapt to the world without them and learn to continue to grow as people. We must learn to celebrate the times we had and the things we learned from our angels rather than dwell in sadness. Always remember life is precious, and so is time. One day someone is going to collect all our debts in the ends of our lives, financial debts and emotional ones. Let’s just hope we have led a good life so that person or persons dealing with our debts love us and are willing to manage those debts for us. It makes me happy to know there is a place out there for angels. My prayers go out to the one I lost and to my family, who are also suffering, as well as all the people who have lost loved ones. May they all rest in peace. The memories never die with the deceased. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is. Love you Grandma…
I wish this world was as simple as everyone thinks it is. I wish friendships could all be beautiful and perfect. But for the obliviously optimistic people out there like myself, not all of them are. Unfortunately, it took me 25 years to figure that out. Oh well, better late than never. Anyway, I wanted to make a post for those of you who need to get a better perspective on your friendships. I will explain to you what I call the Friendship Paradigm. This paradigm will show you that the friendships you have, might not be the friendships you think you have. Don’t worry, I am not a downer, just an informer.
If you are a kid/person who has always thought every single one of your friends is a true friend, then this post is for you. Let’s talk in the matters of perspective. For example, let’s say I have two friends named Michael and Steve. In front of my face, Michael and Steve are friendly and seem to always get along with me. So, my perspective is that they are good friends. However, what if once I leave, Michael and Steve go on a two-hour flame parade, disrespecting me like I was the butt of a roast. Would you consider those people to be my friends? Would they be my friends even if I never knew what they were doing? Chances are they are not really doing that when I leave, however, you may have no way of ever figuring out how they truly feel about you. They may tell you that you are the greatest, but who knows if they are just feeding you some bullshit line. So, given that, I started to look at friendships in a completely different way. To be friends with people, you must be willing to disclose something unnoticeable about yourself. By doing that a bond and strong foundation will be developed through trust. I am not saying you need to divulge huge secrets about yourself, but you need to prove you are credible and honest to “your friends” and they need to do the same to you. If a friend is unwilling to do this, well then, chances are they are dissing you behind your back. However, if that is not the case, once you develop bonds like this, you will be much less likely to find yourself in different friendship realities. You and your friends must be true to each other always or else the friendship will fail as a result of a faulty foundation. Of course, you can always beg forgiveness if you falter, but let's try not to get in that situation. It is critical to have your friends on the same page as you are. It is possible to truly cancel people out of friendships without them ever knowing it. It happens all the time. If Michael and Steve wanted to put on a false front, they could if they wanted. Thus, completely cutting me off from an honest friendship and putting me relationally “up shit creek.” I may still think I am friends with them and that they care about me. But, in reality, they don’t. They are just using me. So, for all of you people who have a friend that you dislike but can’t disrespect them to their face, I am calling you out. If you don’t like someone, don’t abuse their presence because you can. At least be adult enough to tell them why you don’t like them and move on with your life, but (more importantly) let them move on with theirs.
I am 25 years old and I am tired of “normal” network television. I swear I spent the last year using my cable for just sports events. Sports is literally the only reason why anyone my age should ever watch network television. Once someone told me I could binge watch pretty much anything without ads, anytime I wanted, normal network television died to me. I’m serious, dead like my favorite show as a kid, “All That.”
No one tells me when to watch a particular show and what my opinions should be. I get to make those decisions for myself, and it is revolutionary. When I hold a remote control now, I feel like I really have the power! This makes me ask “why should we watch regular television anymore?” If we are told the news isn’t always honest and it floods us with commercials, why watch it? The news seems to drive Network TV…. from the morning news and talk shows to the evening news, to the Dateline like docudramas. If you watch that stuff, well you are becoming less informed and more opinionated and divisive. Well, my generation is starting to recognize the rationale behind those questions and issues. Today, there is so much more information and knowledge available to you at your fingertips through the internet and through alternative broadcast options and that is giving more power to the people. The constant growth in options such as Netflix, Hulu, HBO GO, Youtube, etc., is kicking the crap out of old corporate network’s asses as we speak. Who would have ever thought it was possible for these Network’s to ever be threatened. Shoot, now if I ever want to hear the “Real Personal Perspectives,” I just hop on YouTube. And when I do that, I can hear it from every angle, not just the one that a given network is trying to push down my throat. Maybe it’s just my generation, but we are sick of hearing from outdated hateful individuals who don’t have open minds. Can we all at least agree that all the “line drawings” that all these network shows seem to be generating are getting old and preventing us from moving humanity forward? I know at least a ton of my peers feel the same way (if that counts for anything). These are some exciting times for America and the rest of the world. People now have freedom of knowledge through the technological advances this country has brought into the world. The powerful people who were controlling public opinion through information are losing their hold on us. It’s only a matter of time before these old opinionated networks become a thing of the past. |
November 2017